Program Benefits

You Can Be The Bank…

What do the banks know about investing? Plenty!

Banks Continue to Enjoy High Profits Even In Recessionary Times!!

Banks continue to remain profitable while we endure a weakened economy, corporate scandals, and an uncertain investment future. Banks look for traditionally conservative investments with solid growth. It is no secret that banks invest heavily in Real Estate LOANS. Why? Because they are looking for conservative investments with solid growth and certain specific important features. Real Estate loans provide the banks with those three important benefits:

  1. Profitability: Consistent returns without the ups and downs of the stock market.
  2. Safety: If default occurs, the banks have the ability to recover their investment as first lien holder on the property.
  3. Security: Banks determine loan amounts based on a percentage of the value of the property. The lower the Loan-to-Value ratio, the more secure they are.

Trust Deeds / Mortgages offer the banks solid, long-term fixed returns. You can put yourself in the position of the bank by directing your investment capital, including retirement funds, to well-secured Real Estate Trust Deeds / Mortgages.

Trust Deeds / Mortgages have the ultimate safety because, if default occurs, the bank can recover its investment as the first lien holder on the property.

Banks are most secure when they are at 80% of the value of the property or less. In fact, they don’t even require Private Mortgage Insurance on properties with this kind of “loan to value”. The banks know that the value of the property itself is more than enough to cover their investment. You could say the investment is self-insured, especially with first rights as a lien holder.

You Can “Be the Bank” and take advantage of these investment benefits:

  • Long-term, fixed returns (most mortgage rates are fixed).
  • Returns that are not tied to the performance of a company or the stock market.
  • Security of a tangible asset.
  • Power position as 1st Lien Holder.
  • Low Loan-To-Value … 70% or less.
  • No daily management of the investment.
  • Escrow closing on every Real Estate mortgage.
  • No PARTICIPATION: Passively invest in Real Estate. All issues regarding maintenance, management, tenants, etc. are handled by us.
  • NO FEES: We incur all expenses in closing on the investment, as well as any expenses incurred in the management of the investment property.

Make Your Money Work for You….

You can do what the banks have been doing for years…Make A Profitable Return On Investments Backed By Real Estate!!

When you invest in a Private Trust Deed, you become the bank and WE act as your personal MANAGER. More specifically you become a Private Money source for Orange County California Real Estate investors who purchase, repair, and resell Orange County California Real Estate DEALS.

And Most Importantly…

This Entire Program is IRA ELIGIBLE!!

Did you know that you can invest your retirement accounts in Real Estate? Section 408 of the Internal Revenue Code permits individuals to purchase land, commercial property, condominiums, residential property, trust deeds, or Real Estate contracts with funds held in many common forms of IRAs.

Are you safely getting a high rate of return on your IRA or other investments?

If not, you could be. At — We are Real Estate Investors, Mortgage Brokers, Licensed Realtors, Entrepreneurs, Marketers and Business Owners… We often use short term funding from private lenders to purchase and rehab the homes we buy and sell. Our Private Lenders are earning up to 14% safely by investing their qualifying IRAs and/or other investment capital with us.

We save you time, money, and effort by leveraging our professional network and reputation to bring you these high-yield lending opportunities.

You can put yourself in the position of the bank by investing in Private Trust Deed Real Estate Mortgages. When you are ready to BE THE BANK and start earning consistent, fixed returns on your investment and retirement funds, please get started!

Get Started Now…

Are you interested in signing up for our Private Lender Program? Complete our Private Lender form and we will contact you shortly to discuss our programs in more detail.

For more information:

Access our FREE REPORT on “The Top 10 Questions All Private Lenders MUST Know BEFORE Making Private Loans”

Did you know you can use your IRA and other retirement accounts? Click here to find out how.

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